We make finding helpful services and programs easy
Together is Better
Get connected with the right Kimberley service or program for your needs
There are many helpful services throughout the Kimberley region aimed at supporting children, youth and families however finding the right one can be difficult to navigate.
Use our interactive airtable tool to automatically navigate to the right service or program for you.
How to use:
Select the ‘filter ‘ tab to begin
3. Select the field option that best relates to you. (The below example displays the options relating to ‘demographic served’.)
Add in any ‘other conditions’ for a more refined search.
2. Use the ‘service provider’ drop down to select conditions that relate to you. We suggest using one of the three highlighted fields displayed below.
4. All services and programs that relate to your inputted options will be displayed with information about each.
Why do system designing?
EC West aims to play a key role in connecting children, family and youth with the right supporting community organisations at the right time through improved systems level visibility and accessibility.
Our systems design approach has 4 key pillars
Country and Cultural practices that underpin families into decision making.
Government to provide system transparency and community informing policy, approaches and future decisions.
The community to make choices about services.
Organisations to design better services and referral pathways.
The way we work together
Deep listening
To your experiences of services and the system.
Drawing systems together.
Individually, and in small and large groups.
Together at every step.
Check out the System Design Airtable

EC-West has listened to communities across the West Kimberley talk about the need to better understand child and family wellbeing, youth justice and safety in our region.
Our commitment to community-led design projects continues.
Email EC-West for more info about the System Design Project or the products produced.