
“The WAAPI Family Empowerment initiative has a very long standing relationship with EC West on the Dampier Peninsula…

The support from EC West as a backbone organisation has helped strengthen and guide the direction of WAAPI….

We have been successful in empowering our families to have their voices amplified through this partnership with EC West”

Janella Isaac

Woombooriny Amboon Angarriiya Partnership Initiative (WAAPI)

“EC-West are a playing a key role in the Jawun partnership in the West Kimberley. They are securing secondee support to implement the initiatives listed in the West Kimberley First Priorities plan.

It is pleasing to see the impact of the partnership through a range of completed projects, and we look forward to providing ongoing support to the strong direction EC-West has for the future.”

- Glenn Weston

Glenn Weston

Jawun | General Manager, Regional Investment